Летняя школа Engineering Computer Modeling в Москве

Летняя школа Engineering Computer Modeling в Москве

First International Summer School on


4 – 15 July 2016

MEPhI, Moscow, Russia

The School on “Engineering computer modeling” is a certificate course

aiming to provide specialized education and training on mathematical

modeling of physical processes. It also addresses the issue of multiple

simultaneous physical phenomena modelling (Multiphysics). The

course introduces modern Russian engineering codes (MCU,

FlowVision, Fidesys) and focuses on the application of the codes for

various problems solving (simple and complex). The culmination of the

School is calculation of Multiphysics problem (neutronics — thermal

hydraulics — thermal mechanics).

School structure: First week – one theoretical session and three

sessions of programs (MCU, FlowVision, Fidesys). Second week –

training and exercises with consultations (calculation of Multiphysics


Engineering codes: CFD code FlowVision deals with issues of aero-

and hydrodynamics. CAE-system Fidesys is aimed to perform analysis

of firmness. MCU – on modelling of radiation transport (neutrons,

gamma radiation, electrons, positrons) in three-dimensional media with

the use of Monte-Carlo method.

Participants: Young professionals and PhD students from nuclear field

or/and involved in computer modeling of physical processes (under 35

years old).

Working language: English.

Participation is free of charge.


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