Otevřený Všeruský festival umělecké tvořivosti studentů „Archiperspektiva – 2015“

Otevřený Všeruský festival umělecké tvořivosti studentů „Archiperspektiva – 2015“

Otevřený Všeruský festival umělecké tvořivosti studentů „Archiperspektiva – 2015“


Otevřený Všeruský festival umělecké tvořivosti studentů „Archiperspektiva – 2015“ (dále jen Archiperspektiva) se každoročně koná v Jekatěrinburgu na bázi Federální státní rozpočtové vzdělávací organizace vysokoškolského profesionálního vzdělání „Uralská státní architekturně-umělecká akademie  (UralSAUA)“.  Spoluzakladatelem Archiperspektivy je Ruská akademie  umění. V roce 2015 se bude Archiperspektiva konat podesáté.


Účastníky Archiperspektivy jsou studenti a aspiranti vysokých škol, studenti odborných středních škol nezávisle na profilu studia, kteří předloží autorské práce v nominacích „Grafika“, „Malířství“, „Dekorativní a užité umění“, „Umělecká fotografie“.

Do soutěže hlášené práce musí být vytvořeny účastníkem soutěže samostatně, ve volném čase, nikoli v rámci konání povinného studijního programu.

Festival se uskuteční v etapách: nejprve dálková výběrová etapa, poté za osobní přítomnosti, vlastní festival.


Bližší informace viz na http://rsvk.cz/arhiperspektiva-2015/

Now open to international participants!

The open festival of student art creativity „ArchiPerspective“ is held annually in Ekaterinburg, Russia, at the Ural State Academy of Architecture and Arts (USAAA). It is cosponsored by the Russian Academy of Arts. The year 2015 is the 10th anniversary of this festival.


«ArchiPerspective» is open to undergraduate and graduate students of higher and secondary vocational institutions irrespective of specialism.


Submissions may be made in one of the following nominations: «Graphics», «Painting», «Decorative applied art», «Photography».

All entries should be executed by participants themselves, personally and independently, during their free time, outside formal study hours.

The festival is held in two rounds as follows:

First round: preliminary selection
At this stage, digital photographs of entries are to be submitted by e-mail.

One participant may submit no more than 3 entries in each of the nominations:
1. Painting – formats А4 to А1
2. Graphics – formats А4 to А2
3. Applied art: textiles, jewellery, installations, ceramics, etc.
4. Art photography.

To register, participants should fill in the application form as given here.

If several students from the same educational institution wish to participate in the first round, the following application form should be filled in.

Please use the above forms for registration without modifying the font or merging or splitting the table cells, filling in all columns. The application form may be filled in in English or Russian.

We do not request any hard copies of the form.

Your submission should be made by e-mail to the Festival’s organizing committee at aperspeсt@usaaa.ru.

The e-mail submission should contain the following:
– a covering e-mail containing the name of the Festival, the name of the participant and description, for example “ArchiPerspective. JohnSmith, Application and Entries”. Where entries are sent in several e-mails, these should be numbered, for example: «ArchiPerspective. JohnSmith. Application and graphics.1», «ArchiPerspective. JohnSmith. Application and painting.2».
– the above application form entitled “Application”. If several entries are submitted in several e-mails, the application form should be submitted to the first e-mail only;
– digital photographs of entries in jpg format. The size of the attachment must not exceed 250 Kbytes. The name of the file should contain the author’s surname, entry title, nomination, and short name of the educational institution, for example: Jackson-Dawn-Painting-KarlovaUniv.jpg. The title of the submission should be the same in the application form and in the file.

The deadline for submission of entries for the first round is 14 March 2015.

Participation in the first round is free.


Second round: the Festival.

The Festival jury will select entries in each nomination for the Festival exhibition in accordance with the predetermined scope of the exhibition. Selected entries will be included into the electronic catalogue of the exhibition. The Organising Committee will then notify the authors of selected entries before 10 April 2015 and send invitations, the programme and conditions of participation. The Festival events include the exhibition, master classes, tours, express contests, etc. Participation in the Festival may be in person or in absentia, provided the competition works are received by the submission deadline. As this is going to be the 10th Anniversary of the festival, its programme will be particularly rich and interesting.

The dates of the Festival are 13 – 18 May 2015.

For further information, please contact the Organizing Committee of the Festival.

Chair of the Organising Committee: Nina Pospelova, Pro-Rector for Extracurricular Activities
Tel. +7(343) 358 99 20
Executive Secretary: Maria M. Sadykova, Head of Extracurricular Activities Unit

Tento článek je dostupný v: Russian